October 14, 2008
Hey Everyone!
just came home from a dentist's appointment, and normally, I'm not this chipper
after a visit to the dentist's, but today I am! Can anyone guess why? Well it's
because I lost one of my teeth! It was really wiggly already; the dentist just
helped me a little. It didn't hurt at all and it happened really fast, and I
didn't even need that numbing gas! Yay me! Anyway, I
got this little tooth case to hold my tooth in and it's so cool! So that leaves
me with only one more baby tooth that I have to lose! Just one!! And then it's
on to braces for me, I think! And I might get colors! I'd get green for
everyday, because green's my favorite color, and for St. Patrick's Day, and
orange and black for Halloween, except I don't know if my mom would approve
with the black
Rose's Adventure is coming along great! I will have the fourth chapter posted
up here, and the first three updated chapters when I have time. I did quite a
lot of editing for Chapter 2 and 3, just to let you guys know. I have also
added my drawings page onto the navigation bar to your left so go check it out!
last weekend, Vicky had a swim meet. And she did awesome! All her times dropped
(I believe), and her swimming has really improved. I'm so proud of her!
is also coming along great! My jumps are getting higher, cleaner, and more
consistent which is great news! My coach also has some ideas for next year's
program and the elements I'll have in it. It's quite exciting
that's about it, bye!